8:30am MDT
9:00am MDT
10:00am MDT
Meet-and-Greet & Build Your Schedule! (drop-in) (AH 100) AH100 (Andy's Place)
So You Want To Be A Teacher? (TH 201) TH201
The Liberal Education Experience: Exploring What Lights You Up (PE 264) PE264
Library Unlocked: Your Academic Adventure Awaits (L 1050) L1050
ULethbridge Library Escape Room: Echoes from the Abyss (Spooky Theme!) REGISTER USING LINK IN DESCRIPTION Library
Living in Residence! (followed by Q&A) (PE 250) PE250
Crack the Code (Science Atrium) - Win one of three Apple iPad Airs! Science Commons Atrium
Explore Our Labs: Real Research, Real Discoveries (Science Building) SA Building
Faculty of Arts & Science Hub & Booth Fair (drop-in, Science Atrium) Science Commons Atrium
Dhillon School of Business Booth Fair (drop-in, Markin Hall) Markin Hall Atrium
Faculty of Education Booth Fair (drop-in, Turcotte Hall) Turcotte Hall Foyer
Faculty of Health Science Booth Fair (drop-in, Markin Hall) Markin Hall Atrium
Agility | From Innovation to Creation! (drop-in) (SA building, floor 6) Agility Innovation Zone
Blackfoot Digital Library Booth | Explore & Learn (drop-in) (Library) Library
Iikaisskini Meet and Greet (drop-in) W650 - Iikaisskini Gathering Centre
Student Services Booth Fair (drop-in, PE building) PE Building
Application Station (drop-in, 10am-3pm) (AH 177) AH177
Faculty of Fine Arts Booth Fair (drop-in, UCA atrium) UCA Atrium
Digital Photo Booth (drop-in, PE building) PE Building
10:15am MDT
10:30am MDT
11:00am MDT
11:15am MDT
11:30am MDT
12:00pm MDT
12:15pm MDT
12:30pm MDT
1:00pm MDT
1:30pm MDT
2:00pm MDT
2:30pm MDT
6:00pm MDT